Annex A : Progress against the LGA Assurance Report recommendations

Items that have been launched/are now available for officers and members to use




At risk

Not started


LGA Assurance Report Recommendations

CYC Response

Members must consistently act in line with the Members’ Code of Conduct

On joining the council, members were given access to:

·        Member induction programme

·        Member Welcome pack

·        Member intranet portal



The level and effectiveness of cross-party working must be developed further

Scrutiny chairs and committees work plans confirm discussions to encourage cross-party working, for example exploration of the proposed pipeline for the YNYCA Mayor to consider funding. 


Preliminary work for Scrutiny review is starting with a report due in October to CSCCSM Scrutiny Committee.


The Corporate Improvement Action Plan sets out actions that include a review of Scrutiny and how it can be more effective.


Strengthen the trust and relationships between members and officers.

The Member induction programme sets out different aspects about how members and officers work together.


Executive member/Chief Officer briefings take place regularly both formally (with agendas/action notes) and informally.


The Corporate Improvement Action Plan sets out the different actions that focus on supporting members.


Members need to be consistently given, and to hear, the advice they need.


The Member induction programme sets out the role of members, the Constitution and how to work with democratic services.


The review of the Constitution is to make clear the rules and practices that govern decisions.


Councillors need to role model good, professional behaviour.


Published Joint Standards Committee decisions set out expected behaviours.


The Code of Conduct is part of the Member Induction Programme.


Instances of “feeding” information to people outside the council and encouraging them to “stir” urgently needs to stop


The Member induction programme sets out members roles and responsibilities.



Member training records should be published to ensure members adhere to the need to be trained on key aspects of their role


Group attendance was shared at Joint Standards Committee in May 2024


The Groups should co-design and help lead the delivery of effective post-election training

The member induction programme was developed in consultation with group leaders and political assistants, and additional items have been recommended at Joint Standards Committee in May 2024


The Council should produce an overall improvement plan.


The Corporate Improvement Action Plan was discussed by CSCCSM Scrutiny on      8 July and approved by the Leader Executive Decision Making Session on 17 July 2024.  It includes responds to recommendations made by the LGA during the recent Peer Challenge.


The Council requests the LGA to deliver a Corporate Peer Challenge in the second half of 2023.

The LGA peer challenge took place February 2024, with a review of progress scheduled for December 2024.